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We all know cloud productivity tools are gaining popularity. Businesses realize the advantages of being able to work, communicate and collaborate in real-time, as well as the importance of staying competitive in an increasingly online world.

With that said, it’s not surprising that Google’s G Suite is also becoming more popular across the business landscape. With roughly a million new signups each year and a consistent rollout of new features and products, G Suite represents a strong option for any cloud reseller looking to grow and diversify their offering.

ICYMI: G Suite is now known as Google Workspace

Regardless, it’s normal to have reservations about moving forward with a new product line. Resellers need to be confident that the solutions they offer will match customer needs and generate revenue for their operation. Different resellers also have different challenges to contend with; positioning G Suite isn’t necessarily a one-size-fits-all solution for every client.

So, to help seal the deal on your decision to get started with Google’s coveted cloud tools, we’ve covered how to position your G Suite offer for success across five different reseller scenarios. If you’re already reselling G Suite, recommendations for how to strengthen your offer are included. We’ve also outlined a comparison between G Suite and Office 365, for those who might be conflicted by providing different productivity suites. Get ready to go Google!


Reseller scenario #1: you’re brand new to G Suite

Whether it’s your business or your clients that are new to G Suite, it’s an excellent opportunity either way. Affordable, accessible and secure, G Suite provides a complete spread of productivity and collaboration tools to help companies of all sizes accomplish their goals.

Most people are familiar with Google products in their daily lives, making G Suite adoption an easy task for many organizations. Its clean, simple interface lends to the productivity suite’s user-friendliness, which in turn makes the switch to G Suite a hassle-free process. G Suite’s simplicity is also what renders it an easy product for resellers to distribute to and manage on behalf of clients.

Resellers new to Google can look at the G Suite opportunity as a win-win: it’s profitable for your cloud business, and effective for end-users. In addition to generating a new source of revenue, adding it to your product portfolio can give you access to new markets and new ways to provide more value for customers.


Reseller scenario #2: you’re not reselling G Suite, but you know your clients are using it

In this scenario, your clients are probably already well-versed on the benefits of G Suite. You won’t need to sell them on the product, but you do need to assert that your superior, value-added services will enhance clients’ G Suite experience. In order to do that, your first step should be adding G Suite to your product portfolio as soon as possible.

Once you’ve done that, there are several ways you can differentiate your offer by providing added value for clients. Say some of your customers already using G Suite are only using the free version. Your entrance point could be making the case for added scalability, security and meeting tools that come with G Suite’s business iteration.

You can also lean on your existing relationship with these clients. You’ve already established yourself as their trusted IT advisor; why not be their G Suite administrator as well? By focusing on converting customers you already have to purchase G Suite from your cloud business—instead of through their current provider—you can effectively cultivate additional monthly recurring revenue without the extra effort associated with acquiring new clients.


Reseller scenario #3: you’re not reselling G Suite, but you know clients are purchasing it from Google

Similar to the previous scenario, your clients already know G Suite is worth their while. They also know it’s worth their hard-earned money, as they’ve gone far enough as to purchase it directly from Google. Your mission is therefore to first add G Suite to your offering, and then to show your clients that purchasing G Suite from you will be better suited to their specific needs.

Once again, there are many different ways to set your offer apart from Google’s. One such path is to position your G Suite offer as more supportive than what Google can offer directly. Your intimate knowledge of clients’ operations enables you to handle their helpdesk queries and issues quickly and efficiently, with a deeper understanding of their goals. While Google does offer a wide range of support services, its ecosystem can be difficult to navigate. Your business, on the other hand, can provide a faster, more tailored customer service experience.

Another way to differentiate your G Suite solution is by showing clients how your services can save them time and money. Taking care of administrative functions such as user management, device monitoring and storage capacity can accomplish this. Even though your clients will still be paying a subscription fee for G Suite, the time they save by offloading those tasks to you will pay off for them in the long run. Working with a committed expert will also spare clients from the potential hassles of issues such as paying for unused accounts or lax file storage practices. Ultimately, the edge your business has over Google is that you know your clients best, and are in the strongest position to help them improve the way they work with G Suite.


Reseller scenario #4: you’re already reselling G Suite, but directly through Google

You’ve added G Suite to your list of available cloud productivity solutions, and your business has already reaped the rewards of going Google. But what if there was an even easier way to resell?

Working with an indirect partner to provide G Suite for clients can have greater returns for your business. For starters, you can avoid the long list of requirements that come with maintaining your status as a Google Partner. You can also resell without seat quotas or qualifying training certifications.

Partnering up with a value-added cloud services provider can also complement your business in other areas. For example, Sherweb is dedicated to supporting partners through cloud products and solutions, business strategy, operational effectiveness and expertise.

Interested in taking your cloud business further? Explore Sherweb’s partnership models.


Reseller scenario #5: you’re torn between reselling Office 365 vs. G Suite

If you’re already reselling Office 365, you might be hesitant to start offering another leading productivity suite. Do you have to choose between them? Absolutely not!

Both Office 365 and G Suite are perfectly suitable for businesses of varying sizes and verticals. Many companies even use both sets of tools, sometimes based on employee preferences. With that in mind, it can actually be quite beneficial for resellers to offer both. Being able to supply clients with multiple options creates more chances for you to respond to their unique needs, again improving their customer experience and solidifying your position as their cloud provider of choice.


Experience G Suite made easy

Ready to move forward with G Suite? Take a look at our helpful reseller guide for more ways to position and strengthen your offer. We also recommend you check out our partner guide to learn more about how a partnership with Sherweb can help set you up for success.

Written by The Sherweb Team Collaborators @ Sherweb