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As technology continues to pave the way for innovators to develop new products, there’s a greater need for workplace efficiency. It’s for this reason that professional service automation (PSA) software was created—to help people work smarter. ConnectWise is one such app, and a great one at that.

With cloud computing defining how IT services are delivered, we are seeing an increase in subscription-based business models. As-a-Service is the new norm but it is also a game changer when it comes to billing. For this reason, PSAs have become an indispensable part of MSPs’ day-to-day operations.

Where billing is quickly becoming a problem for modern businesses due to the complexity of managing flexible contracts and manual invoicing for thousands of subscribers, our ConnectWise integration makes everything simpler.


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ConnectWise: why do MSPs need it?

Choosing the right billing system is a make-or-break decision for managed service providers (MSPs). Opting for a solution that does not fit your product’s needs, or one that fails to provide the required flexibility in pricing structure, can lead to thousands of dollars in lost revenue.

Additionally, replacing an already-integrated billing system can take months, which in turn can also lead to loss of time and revenue.

The ConnectWise integration with Sherweb’s partner portal provides unparalleled value for MSPs through advanced automation and enhanced capabilities. Here’s how:


Rapid setup time

ConnectWise ensures that you don’t have to spend much time setting up the entire billing process. Automation processes are notorious for being time consuming, but not in this case.

All you have to do is set up your accounts and services in our partner portal. Easily link Sherweb offers, prices, and your Autotask/ConnectWise services to boost productivity and efficiency. With ConnectWise, it takes just a few minutes to map your entire billing and invoicing flow.


Real-time pricing and precise invoicing

Because each piece of software has a different cost structure, the pricing of MSPs is always fluctuating. Moreover, these frequent changes need to be reflected in the invoices sent out to clients.

Without an integrated billing system that ensures that every change in pricing is reflected in the invoice, MSPs are more likely to under- or over-bill their clients. And that unnecessary headache can negatively impact your reputation or undermine your professionalism.

Our ConnectWise integration ensures that there are no embarrassing billing adjustments so that your billing invoice always reflects the most up-to-date information from your database. ConnectWise accounts for standard as well as additional usage before computing the final invoice for all customers.


One-stop billing solution

ConnectWise provides you a comprehensive overview of your entire product catalog, allowing you to manage every aspect of your services—including discounts and promotions—from a single portal. Sherweb’s ConnectWise integration gives you instant access to every billing aspect of your business to help boost your efficiency and save time.


Sherweb: simplifying the billing process for MSPs

As an MSP, Sherweb provides advanced cloud computing technologies and other solutions to its partners across the globe.

Our integration with ConnectWise’s billing automation software helps streamline the invoicing and billing process for the thousands of partners that we collaborate with, which saves them time and money.

What are some other reasons why we chose to pursue this integration? Let’s find out:


Continuous synchronization

With ConnectWise, our partners don’t have to rush things to complete clients’ billing information and manually record every change to their subscription. This ensures that every invoice that goes out of your office is consistent with the latest billing information of your clients.

Most of our partners bill their clients on a subscription model—ConnectWise ensures continuous synchronization so that every billing information change is accounted for before an invoice can be processed. Not only does this reduce any errors that may result from a last-minute subscription change, but it also saves a significant amount of time—the first invoice is actually the right one.


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Bill your way

This option enables our partners to offer a comprehensive billing model to their clients, including pre-billing and post-billing cycle options. These ensure that MSPs can customize their business model as they see fit. In turn, this results in higher retention for our partners.


A comprehensive check

With Sherweb’s ConnectWise integration, users can easily set up automated billing notifications for their clients. Additionally, every billing event is automatically recorded in the system, and users can access billing history at any time. This ensures that our partners are informed about every transaction.

For instance, you’ll be alerted if a user attempts to sync an event without mapping the organization. This ensures that every transaction is recorded in full and that you’re not a victim of fraud.


Intuitive proration

Another advantage of having automated billing software is that it continues to prorate invoices. Invoice proration can be a tedious task, but designated software can easily calculate the prorated account for every client without you having to invest much time or resources.

There are many factors that can lead to invoice proration, such as a client’s changing business scale. These can complicate invoicing calculations at the end of the month. Thanks to Sherweb’s ConnectWise integration, you won’t have to worry about that anymore. The intuitive proration ensures that your clients are charged for the exact amount of services they have used throughout the year.


Sherweb’s ConnectWise integration works for you

Sherweb’s ConnectWise integration was designed to provide our partners a completely unified and streamlined billing experience—right from the partner portal.

The efficiency of an organized billing process, equipped with leading technology that allows for invoices to prorated, means that our partners are able to provide a hassle-free billing service to their clients.

This platform makes it easier for you to automate billing so you can run your business more efficiently. By leveraging Sherweb’s ConnectWise integration, you can put an end to costly mistakes and operations while increasing staff efficiency and productivity. See it for yourself with our demo.

Written by The Sherweb Team Collaborators @ Sherweb