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Every business has to transform to survive. But whether you are scaling up or downsizing, you can rely on modern tools to help facilitate that business transformation and maximize your success in the market.

What tools should you prioritize? More and more, the ideal toolset for any business is Microsoft 365. This robust and diverse toolset is more than the Microsoft Office set of programs. Now, it’s a fully comprehensive tool suite that includes data analytics and machine learning functions as well.

Let’s break down how Microsoft 365 can facilitate your business’s transformation for the better.

Create and capture much more data

The various applications included with Microsoft 365 are effective because they allow you to create and capture much more data than you could otherwise. Business can also leverage the Microsoft 365 Cloud to build business apps of their own to capture semi-structured and unstructured data easily.

Why does this matter? The more data you have to analyze your business performance and activities, the better you determine how well your business is meeting its objectives. This, in turn, allows you to dominate your market niche better and maximize your business’s overall value.

Data is everything in the modern market. With Microsoft 365’s business tools, you can transform your organization into a more data-savvy entity. Gather more data, analyze it properly and you’ll be well on your way to seeing more business success.

Organize and use data more effectively

Microsoft 365 can also facilitate positive business transformation by allowing you to organize and use captured business data more easily.

As noted above, the power of the Microsoft Cloud and machine learning services like Microsoft Graph let you organize or display data points in visual, intuitive ways. Gathering data is one thing; understanding and leveraging it for maximum business productivity is another.

Tools like Microsoft Graph let you make decisions without having to rely on human intervention or having to stare at data sets for hours on end. Many of the tools in Microsoft 365 let you store business analytics within business apps. In this way, your marketing or sales teams can easily have access to crucial customer-related data and make wiser decisions regarding things like:

  • How to market more effectively to your target audience members
  • What products they need to prioritize to meet your business’s goals
  • How to price products for the most revenue per purchase, etc.

On top of that, core components in Microsoft 365 let you combine multiple data sources into a single, aggregated data set. That’s a major advantage if you want to make intelligent and informed business decisions.

By merging and aggregating data from different sets or sources, you’ll have a bird’s eye view of the market, your target audience members, your business’s health and other major factors. If information is power, Microsoft 365 gives you more than enough to master your domain.

Accelerate business process life cycles

Microsoft 365 can help accelerate your business’s process life cycles as well, whether those cycles are focused on manufacturing products, shipping things to customers, creating software or something else entirely.

Many organizations lament how long it takes for an average business cycle or process to finish. This can sometimes be due to bad business apps, latency for notifications and other factors such as inadequate planning. But proper planning is important—companies with a business plan can see 30% faster growth than those without one.

When you use quality business apps, you can transform your business and make it more effective. Business apps allow your team to:

  • Collaborate and communicate more effectively, even if they do so from across large geographic distances
  • Manage complex projects with many moving parts more effectively, with fewer mishaps and miscommunications
  • Make the right production and process decisions, given the data advantages broken down above


Integrate apps with each other and your business

No service can be very effective if it works alone. Microsoft 365 further facilitates strong and effective business transformations by allowing you to integrate apps with each other and your business operations as a whole.

In the modern market, your business, just like most others, probably utilizes many different applications. Odds are, those apps are stored in different locations, which can result in data segmentation or information being stored across multiple applications.

All that does is slow down your processes and require your employees to do more busywork to get things up and running. Microsoft 365 services use connectors so that you can combine apps and data sets through integration. This streamlines your business operations and allows you to build a faster, more productive business machine regardless of your industry.

Automation and AI benefits

Modern organizations that want to thrive must lean into automation and artificial intelligence/machine learning technologies. Automation can cut down on busy work your employees are forced to perform, freeing up their time for other, more critical business tasks. On the other hand, machine learning and AI technology can provide key insights into consumer behavior, digital market trends, and other factors.

Fortunately, Microsoft 365 focuses on AI and automation benefits in many ways. All across the Microsoft 365 suite, you’ll find that AI powers its most innovative apps to help you design, visualize and create more effectively than ever before.

You can also sign up for Microsoft Dynamics 365, which can help drive digital business transformation by providing access to enhanced cloud business applications. These allow you to integrate with databases like LinkedIn, plus access customer data and insights.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 will also transform your digital marketing campaigns by providing AI-powered recommendations for content personalization, marketing channels, audience segmentation, and analytics. Intelligent technology like productive analytics and machine learning, can further improve your business processes, reduce wasted time and allow you to serve your target demographics more successfully than ever before.

Bottom line: Microsoft 365 is positioned as the next generation of business tools thanks to its focus on machine learning innovations.

Looking for more guidance on how Microsoft 365 drives business transformation?

As you can see, Microsoft 365 could very well be the best toolset to invest in for your (or your clients’) business transformation efforts. As an award winning Microsoft 365 partner, Sherweb is an expert at navigating the Microsoft ecosystem and helping both IT providers and their clients succeed. Explore our Partner Guide to learn more about how we can help your business grow, or reach out to us to start a conversation about your Microsoft 365 journey.

Written by The Sherweb Team Collaborators @ Sherweb