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Let’s face it, in the dynamic world of Managed Service Providers (MSPs), differentiation is king. Every MSP strives to deliver unparalleled value to their clients, becoming a trusted advisor who helps them navigate the ever-evolving IT landscape. Microsoft Copilot, the AI-powered productivity assistant, has emerged as a game-changer.

However, simply having Copilot in your arsenal isn’t enough.  The true power lies in understanding how to leverage it as a strategic tool to not only enhance your service offerings but also guide your clients on their journey toward AI readiness.  This, is where the real opportunity lies.

This isn’t a basic “what is Copilot?” discourse. Beyond the time-saving features and improved workflows, Copilot presents a strategic opportunity for MSPs. It’s a gateway to AI adoption and a springboard for fostering deeper client relationships. But how do you translate Copilot’s potential into tangible revenue streams and demonstrably increased client value?

We’re diving deeper than the basic functionalities, exploring how forward-thinking MSPs can go beyond basic implementation and unlock Copilot’s full potential to transform their client relationships and drive significant revenue opportunities.

Copilot for M365 empowers you to unlock a new level of value for your clients and solidify your position as a trusted advisor in the age of AI.

Level up your MSP’s AI readiness: Download your free guide to get started today!

Positioning AI readiness as a valuable service

The key differentiator in AI readiness, what is it and how does it help? AI readiness refers to an organization’s ability to leverage artificial intelligence for improved decision-making, automation and overall efficiency. As an MSP, helping your clients achieve AI readiness positions you as a trusted advisor on the path to digital transformation.

  • Package it as a comprehensive solution: Copilot for M365 is an add-on to M365-specific eligible SKUs. This value-added package demonstrates your expertise in crafting a future-proof technology roadmap for your clients. Highlight the benefits of a holistic approach that seamlessly integrates Copilot with your existing managed services.
  • Lead with education: Offer workshops or webinars to educate your clients on the benefits of AI and how Copilot empowers them to embrace this technology. Don’t just sell Copilot, sell knowledge. Position yourself as a trusted advisor by demystifying AI and showcasing its practical applications within their industry. This educational approach builds trust and positions you as a valuable partner in their digital transformation journey.
  • AI readiness made easy: Copilot itself becomes a powerful tool for assessing your clients’ AI readiness. By leveraging Copilot’s productivity capabilities, you can identify areas for improvement and demonstrate the value of AI-powered solutions. This data-driven approach allows you to tailor your recommendations and guide clients towards a future-proof technology stack that meets their specific needs.
  • Simple reselling process: Partner with a company like Sherweb to streamline the reselling process. We make it easy to bundle Copilot with your existing service offerings, allowing you to quickly bring this valuable solution to your clients.

Conquering client concerns about AI

  • Emphasize that Copilot enhances human capabilities, not replaces them. It’s a super-powered research assistant, not a job-stealing threat.
  • Explain Copilot’s benefits in terms of increased efficiency, faster project completion and reduced errors. Avoid technical jargon.

How Copilot enhances your MSP service offerings

Beyond basic time-saving features, Copilot presents a strategic opportunity for MSPs on two key fronts:

AI adoption gateway: Copilot acts as a springboard for fostering deeper client relationships by guiding them on their journey towards AI readiness and future-proofing your business.

Revenue stream expansion: Move beyond traditional break-fix models by reselling Copilot as part of an AI-as-a-Service (AIaaS) offering.

Reselling Copilot: A multi-faceted approach

Reselling tip #1: Focus on workflow optimization, not just automation: Showcase how Copilot streamlines complex workflows, reduces human error and enables clients to focus on higher-value activities. Develop case studies quantifying the time and resources saved through workflow automation.

Reselling tip #2: Position Copilot as a proactive support tool: Highlight Copilot’s ability to identify potential workflow issues before they escalate.

Develop demos showcasing how Copilot analyzes client data to predict future resource needs or identify security risks. Quantify the potential cost savings for clients.

Reselling tip #3: Emphasize customization during sales pitches: Focus on how Copilot personalizes the user experience based on individual client needs. Develop use cases showcasing customization for different client verticals, demonstrating Copilot’s adaptability.

Reselling tip #4: Position Copilot as a strategic planning tool: Shift the conversation beyond day-to-day efficiency gains. Highlight how Copilot’s data-driven insights inform strategic planning for clients. Develop presentations showcasing how Copilot data can be used to optimize client environments, predict industry trends and enable proactive resource allocation. Quantify the potential cost savings.

Reselling tip #5: Showcase Copilot’s future-proof approach: Don’t just talk about features, talk about the future. Highlight how Copilot’s integration with Microsoft’s leading-edge AI research ensures continuous innovation and access to future capabilities.

Reselling tip #6: Address security concerns proactively: During the sales process, anticipate security concerns and address them head-on. Highlight Copilot’s adherence to Microsoft’s security protocols and its role in minimizing human error and helps clients improve their security posture.

Measuring the ROI of Copilot

Measuring the Return on Investment (ROI) of using Microsoft Copilot involves assessing the impact it has on productivity, efficiency and overall satisfaction. Here are several approaches to measure its ROI:

  1. Time savings calculation:
    1. Cost of Copilot: Consider the monthly cost of Copilot.
    2. Hourly Employee Cost: Calculate the hourly cost of an employee (e.g., developer, data analyst) who benefits from Copilot.
    3. Time Savings: Estimate the time saved by using Copilot for tasks like coding, writing and answering questions.
    4. ROI Formula: Subtract the cost of Copilot from the value of time saved and divide by the number of days in a month.
  2. Productivity metrics and business outcomes:
    1. SPACE Framework: Use the SPACE productivity framework to assess various aspects of productivity:
      1. Satisfaction: How satisfied are users with Copilot? Assess whether Copilot improves code quality and reduces errors.
      2. Performance: Does it improve task completion speed? Measure the time saved in completing specific tasks.
      3. Adaptability: How quickly do users adapt to using Copilot? Monitor the adoption rate of Copilot features.
      4. Collaboration: Does it enhance collaboration within teams? Observe how Copilot enhances collaboration among team members.
      5. Efficiency: Does it reduce manual effort and increase efficiency?
  1. Qualitative Feedback: Collect feedback from users about their experience with Copilot. Understand how it impacts their daily work and problem-solving abilities.

Remember that measuring ROI isn’t just about dollars saved—it’s about understanding how Copilot positively influences productivity, creativity and overall job satisfaction. By combining quantitative and qualitative data, you can paint a comprehensive picture of its impact!

How to get started with Copilot

Sherweb offers comprehensive training programs and resources specifically designed to equip MSPs with the knowledge and tools needed to effectively resell Copilot and guide their clients on their AI readiness journey.

Don’t wait – take the leap towards AI readiness and unlock a world of enhanced productivity with Copilot. Your clients will thank you for it! This paves the way for groundbreaking advancements and a competitive edge in the marketplace.

Ready to take your MSP business to the next level?

If you’re looking for an experienced partner you’ve come to the right place!

Want to stay on top of Microsoft Copilot developments? Ready to experience the future of work? Copilot is now available for MSPs to offer to their clients via Sherweb’s portal. Not yet a Sherweb partner? Getting started is easy, learn more about the Microsoft Cloud Solution Provider Program at Sherweb.

Sherweb is committed to helping MSPs not only make the most of their Microsoft relationship, but capitalize on opportunities that will drive growth for their business as well. As Microsoft 365 Copilot rolls out and evolves, we’ll continue to provide updates and assist partners and their clients in leveraging this AI technology for their benefit. Our expert team will guide you through the implementation process and help you unlock the full potential of this revolutionary tool.

Don’t wait to unleash the power of AI in your organization. Discover how AI can transform your business.

Download your guide to Copilot today!

Written by The Sherweb Team Collaborators @ Sherweb