What are managed services?
When a third-party company manages and delivers IT services, these are called “managed services”, and leveraging such a model to oversee IT can help businesses thrive. A company that delivers managed services is generally referred to as a managed service provider (MSP), and the advantages of starting an MSP business are also large in number.
How to start an MSP in 5 steps
Subscription-based services are growing in popularity, and the IT industry is certainly no exception. With the managed services provider (MSP) market projected to be worth $354.8 billion by 2026, you’re not alone if you’ve been contemplating jumping on the subscription or managed-service bandwagon. Like any serious business venture worth your time, starting an MSP isn’t […]
How to identify key competitive differentiators for your MSP business
The rapid growth of the managed services industry is being fueled by global organizations’ increasing adoption of IoT, cloud computing and data analytics. For many businesses, it’s all a part of their digital transformation strategy in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. This growth surely seems like a golden opportunity for managed service providers (MSPs), […]
Become a modern cloud provider: 7-level framework for change
Originally presented at Accelerate 2020 by Neural Impact The economic aftershocks of COVID-19 will be felt for years. Most businesses have spent the pandemic struggling through depressed markets. A fortunate few sectors saw near-term gains. But one thing every business had in common this past year was the need to make major, rapid changes […]
Money on your MSP’s mind? Here’s how to charge for managed services
You’ve decided to move from break/fix to managed services. Or maybe you’re just contemplating the move. Or, at the very least, you find the concept intriguing. The MSP model can be very profitable, but there’s one major consideration every IT business owner will need to face before taking the leap: how will you charge your […]